Saturday, January 17, 2009

Of doughnut dreams and Thai regrets.

In a perfect world, WW would give women extra PMS Points(TM). I thought of this as I ate my high-fiber toast with PB & J this morning, and my hormones screamed out, Harpy-like: This is not a doughnut! We are not fooled! NOT A DOUGHNUT! Screeeeeeech!

Another thought dawned this morning, as I pored over the WW Dining Out Companion book, looking for Indian foods that I could consume without consuming all my points for the week. As I flipped past the Thai page, the French page, the Greek page, a chill curled down my spine. Most of my extra poundage may well be the gift of a curious palate, a palate that enjoys trying new ethnic cuisines, without stopping to wonder whether the natives are excessively fond of oil, ghee, coconut milk, or cream. Take Thai food. Seems healthy, right? Rice noodles and lots of vegetables! More, please!...You know why Thai vegetables taste so much better than regular old vegetables? They are fried in a shitload of oil and simmered in a groves' worth of coconut milk! Oh, dear! Oh, me! Oh, thigh!

Now I must plan--nay, strategize--before eating out. As for my Indian meal, I'm very grateful that I love tandoori shrimp. It's just 3 points for 3/4 cup.


Narya said...


You can get low-fat coconut milk--and it IS much lower in fat that the regular stuff--for cooking at home, and I promise you cannot tell the difference in flavor. You could probably cut it even more with some chicken stock.

Otherwise, you're right: many of those cuisines, especially as made in 'Murcan restaurants, have enormous portions that have been cooked in much fat.

kStyle said...

Yes! I have done the lite coconut milk at home, and it is wonderful. I actually prefer it, because it is less heavy.

In other good news, Vietnamese food is as fresh and light as it seems, and I may continue to eat it with abandon.