Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goal: Moderation

One of my goals for the weight loss process if to find a better balance between diet and exercise. There was a time when I was dancing 10-15 hours/week. I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. Later, when I wasn't dancing as much, if I had overeaten, I'd burn it off with more exercise. I'm starting to realize, after only 8 years in the "real world" (I must be exceptionally swift), that I can't always burn off the extra calories. Between working, commuting, sleeping, hygiene, maintaining interpersonal relationships, and cat care, there is only so much time I can devote to physical activity. Moreover, I feel better when I do activity at a moderate intensity level. I've never been one for X-treme exercise, even when I spent a third of my waking hours whirling and twirling, hopping and tapping.

So, I must control intake. I must.

I wonder if Michael Phelps goes through this when he's not training.

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