Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cheap workout thrills

G. got me one of those handy-dandy iPod arm bands. I got me a jumprope (6.99) and some decent sneaks (24.95) at KMart. Went to the park on this mild February day. Walked around the park once to warm up, stretched a little, and then skipped and hopped away, iPod energizing me with Fischerspooner and Jamiroquai.

Took me a couple songs to get the coordination, but then I was off and jumping. Biceps got sore, calves started complaining, endorphins pushed me on. Lungs worked for it. Once I stopped, I realized my abs had also been working hard, presumably to stabilize the body leaping through space. But the whole thing was fun! Remember when exercise was fun? OK, for me it's always fun, because I swim and dance and walk and canoe and avoid the torture machines, but this was extra-fun. Intense cardio in the outdoors that is not running = yes, please. For some reason, perhaps just because of how my joints are constructed, running hurts my feet and calves, but jumping does not.

Also, jumping rope is a nice way to get in those intervals: Jump for a minute or two, then walk around or do a few push-ups. Jump super-fast, then skip at a leisurely pace.

I will be feeling this tomorrow.


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