Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cardio Tunes

Loaded up the new iPod with a 40-minute cardio mix. It's perfect for super-brisk walking around the local high school's track. Today it happens to be a mere 38 degrees, with wind chill making it feel like 26, which means I got the track to myself, freeing me to intersperse improvised dance sequences in my walk. Without further ado, here is the list:

Let's Dance (David Bowie)
52 Girls (The B-52s)
Cosmic Girl (Jamiroquai)
Travelling Without Moving (Jamiroquai)
Hope you're good'n' warmed up by now, because next we have...
Mr. Bitterness (Soul Coughing)
La Vida Loca (Ricky Martin)
Fantastic! Time to reward yourself with a breather...
Mary, Mary (The Monkees)
Girl (Beck)
Fancy Footwork (Chromeo)
Cool it down with...
Umi Says (Mos Def)
You've done 40 minutes at a brisk pace! Congrats.

Return to the bleachers and stretcharoo with your choice of mellow tunes. My faves include...
My Cherie Amour (Stevie Wonder)
Amber (311)

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